MBT/MBT profil/Folyóiratok/Állattani Közlemények/Impressum/
Állattani Közlemények (Zoological Communications) is the official journal of the Zoological Section of the Hungarian Biological Society

Founded in 1902
Web: https://www.mbt-biologia.hu/allattani-kozlemenyek

ISSN 0002-5658 (Print)
ISSN  (Online)

© Hungarian Biological Society (Magyar Biológiai Társaság)
Karolina út 29., Budapest H-1113 Hungary
Telephone: +36-30-464-5939
E-mail: mbt@mbt-biologia.hu
Web: www.mbt-biologia.hu
Responsible for publishing: Melinda Mecsnóber managin director
Responsible editor: Erzsébet Hornung
Editorial Office: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, H-1078 Budapest, István u. 2.
This journal is published with financial support from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Indexed by:
MTMT (since 2015 / vol. 100)
DOI  (DOI: 10.20331/AllKoz.).
EBSCO Academic Search Premier
Arcanum ADT,
MTA REAL repository (individual papers)
MTA REAL-J repository (complete volumes)